We would love to have you!
Applications for the 2025-2026 board year are now being accepted
Qualifications to be on the board per the FLMSF By-Laws:
1) Any spouse of an active duty service member stationed within 50 miles of JBLM.
2) Any retired government employee, surviving spouse or family member, or spouse of a retired service member residing within 50 miles of JBLM.
*The 2025-2026 Board Year will begin July 1, 2025 and run through June 30, 2026. Onboarding tasks will begin May 2025*
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Priority consideration will go to applicants that submit their application before April 1, 2025
Scholarship Coordinator(s)
Review application forms for necessary changes
Coordinate upload and availability of applications online
Assist with processing and screening applications
Prepare scholarship applications for review and vote by judges
Compile a statistical summary of applications received
Compile scoring of applications by judges and provide ranking to the Board
Coordinate meetings to finalize the award of scholarships based on ranking
Notify applicants of award status and track response for awards ceremony; purchase supplies needed for correspondence
Prepare awardee introductions using the submitted information
Assist with judging day events and awards ceremony
Prepare and keep a record of all meetings and proceedings of the Board
Administer the telephone or e-mail vote and enter such action and its results in an addendum to the minutes to be read at the next Board meeting or be sent by e-mail to the Committee
Keep all records in a permanent file for three years
Maintain a list of awardees for six years
Handle correspondence
Deliver records and files to the successor
Be responsible for maintaining files, including a copy of the Constitution, By-Laws, all application forms, and all papers necessary to conduct the business of the Scholarship Committee
Submit necessary paperwork to the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR) for revalidation
Assist with judging day events and awards ceremony
Keep an itemized account of all receipts, disbursements, and all supporting vouchers and records
Accomplish the following as required by Army Regulation 210-22
Use a single entry method of accounting
Prepare annual financial statements to be audited by three non-officeholders
Prepare the annual budget and present it to the Board for approval
Collect all accounts receivable
Disburse the Fund’s monies
Open records for inspection by members of the Board at the direction of the Chair
Arrange for an annual internal audit
Arrange for the filing of tax-exempt forms
Submit annual financial report as required by DFMWR
Check the post office box and deliver mail to appropriate Board members
Arrange fidelity bonding for Treasurer and Chair (or Designee)
Assist with judging day events and awards ceremony
Publicity Coordinator(s)
Coordinate with the Chair and the Vice-Chair regarding any information that shall be publicized in regard to the Scholarship Fund
Create and distribute information flyers
Contact the official post-publication and/or other publications or media with information concerning scholarship applications
Send application information to the Board’s list of high schools, colleges and vocational schools in the area
Request media attendance at the awards ceremony and provide news publications with names of scholarship recipients
Assist with judging day events and awards ceremony
Donor Coordinator(s)
Prepare and mail donation request letters; purchase supplies needed for correspondence
Track replies and prepare thank you letters.
Complete all grant applications
Assist with judging day events and awards ceremony
Webmaster/VMIS Coordinator(s)
Update the website with accurate and timely information
Ensure that the website domain name is renewed each year
Coordinate payment with the Treasurer for the web hosting company
Correct website issues addressed by the Board
Serve as the Organizational Point of Contact (OPOC) for VMIS
Attend the one-time OPOC training and the quarterly Volunteer Action Council meetings
Manage the Fund’s volunteer positions in VMIS and record all Board member volunteer hours monthly in VMIS
Assist with judging day events and awards ceremony