Sponsorship Opportunities
Business recognition at each of our five Sponsorship Tiers!
In the past ten years, we have awarded $315,000 to 246 scholarship recipients!
These scholarships have given financial support to children and spouses of military service members. Please join us in providing even more scholarships to deserving students and spouses. Our team of dedicated board members is 100% volunteer-led, allowing more funds to go directly toward scholarships.
Please email us at info@jblmscholarship.org to become a sponsor.
Honor Roll $50-$249
Sponsorship Benefits
Named on the website
Invited to the Awards Reception
Dean’s List
Sponsorship Benefits
Honor Roll Benefits PLUS
Name in the Awards Reception Program
Cum Laude
Sponsorship Benefits
Dean’s List Benefits PLUS
Logo on the website
Sponsorship Benefits
Cum Laude Benefits PLUS
Logo in the Awards Reception Program
Thank you post on social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Certificate of Appreciation presented at Awards Reception
Magna Cum Laude
Sponsorship Benefits
Magna Cum Laude Benefits PLUS
Opportunity to award a named scholarship of $500+ (scales according to overall donation)
Opportunity to present the named scholarship to the designated recipient at the Awards Reception